Thursday, July 9, 2009

Apple (the Big one)

Sorry for the delay.  Here is a recap of life.
A variety of fun times have occurred in the past few weeks...

1. Friends, I present to you: "An Evening at Santos Party House"

[Matt, myself, and Lani (amidst the partiers)]

[Lani and Audra]

Somewhere way downtown, there is a little spot called Santos Party House.  Though our crowd may not have been even close to hipster enough to be seen there, we embarked anyway.  We went for a couple of reasons: one, to see Leighton Meester (of Blair Waldorf bitch fame) play some songs from her upcoming musical endeavor (we'll see...), and two, to see Amanda Lepore (a fierce tranny) sing silly songs and dance.

Free drinks until midnight set the night off to a fine start, although the "special" vodka with an energy boost they were offering had a little more boost than booze.  No worries- who turns down a free drink?  The evening was filled with great music (various MJ tributes), and much dancing ensued. 

[Are there any other girls here? No.]

[In true parazzi form- we spot Leighton descending the DJ booth!]

[Leighton Meester and Aud (heavy on the 'zoom')]

[Miz Amanda Lepore performing her hilarious song: "I Don't Know Much About 
Clothes, But My Hair Looks Fierce" (our new anthem, no doubt)]

One thing can be said for Santos Party House- it is very fun!  However, it is not for the faint of heart.  Steer clear if you aren't a fan of half-naked guys dancing on bars wearing white Speedos and sparkly gun necklaces.  Because, in a mere moment, you might turn to see that those dancing guys are now only wearing sparkly gun necklaces. Wooo.




  1. fantastic. more posts, please! also, very good use of mere moment, don't think i didn't notice!
