Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HBIC= Head Bitch in Charge

Monday marked the beginning of SCAD Style, which is an event our school hosts where there are exhibitions and lectures by some really cool people from the Fashion and Interior Design industries. Today, I went with a couple of pals to hear Kelly Cutrone speak. So, Ms. Cutrone is known for her no-nonsense attitude and brutal honesty. And while she didn't disappoint as far as her reputation preceding her, she was actually quite personable and had a lot of great advice and surprisingly motivational things to pass on to the huge captive audience (unfortunately for Ms. Cutrone, it was more than likely filled with eager freshman who are "big fans of The Hills", "love shopping", and "are just really into fashion").

She was smart, witty, put-together, and at times, hilarious. I also would like to commend Ms. Cutrone for her captivating ability to utilize very successful metaphors time and again. A favorite moment: Ms. Cutrone compared the new designers trying to make it in fashion to jesters and peasants working to entertain and serve the kings and queens living in castles on hilltops (otherwise known as the big fashion magazine powers). If you make it into the pages of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, you're royalty. I appreciated her opinionated stance on life choices. Ms. Cutrone has encouraged girls like me to be successful through diligent work ethic and a positive attitude.

I also learned that no woman needs a man by her side to make something of herself in the world. Life according to Kelly Cutrone is this: "
Make your own money, so you can sleep with whoever you want." While this made everyone burst into laughter, I think I understood Ms. Cutrone's sentiment. Be independent and go for it, no matter what and don't rely on the preconceived idea that a woman is only complete in a relationship. I was inspired! Cue Beyonce's "Single Ladies"....and Destiny's Child's "Independent Women" for that matter.

Two things to remember as far as Kelly Cutrone is concerned: she's the HBIC at all times and she's worked long and hard to reserve the right to self-proclaim that title. And if you write to her saying that you have "a passion for fashion", she's going to tear up your letter and throw it in the trash.

Do I have a passion for fashion? Maybe. But, don't tell Kelly.

No boys allowed,
