Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You Know Who's Attractive?

The "Underdog Hotties" 
Big Screen/Small Screen Edition (Vol. 1)

We would like to stop and appreciate the celebrity men out there who are not your typical dreamboat hunks. They may not have bulging muscles or chiseled features likened to Greek gods, but they continue to interest us with their charm, their mystery, and their keen role choices in such fine films as Slumdog Millionaire and Into the Wild.  Feast your eyes on the first batch of "Underdog Hotties" (we are open to suggestions from any of our readers).

Zach Gilford (lovingly country on Friday Night Lights)

Emile Hirsch (Captures both the adorable and the gritty)

Hugh Dancy  (Charming, handsome, and British...what more do you need?!)

Dev Patel (If you haven't seen Slumdog Millionaire, then you don't EVEN know!)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Let's just say it: HOT)